Where and When Do I Work Best?

Even before attempting this test I knew that I was a night owl. Its results served only to reaffirm my belief.

The test involves getting up at various times of the day – 6AM, 1PM, 6PM 1AM – and solving a math equation as well as coming up with at least two video game ideas in various places. The ideas will not be published in this blog post as I’d like to develop them myself in the unforeseeable future.



As always, I was very groggy in the morning. Neither were my creative juices flowing, nor was my brain in a mode suitable for mathematical calculations. I would say I did the worst at this time.


1PM was a lot better than 6AM, but it still left a lot to be desired, especially in the creative department.


By 6PM I was finally getting into the groove. At this point I thought that this will be my peak performance in the test.


At the height of my power! I was able to solve a math equation in record time and I was most pleased with the ideas I came up with.


As for the place where I work best, I find that any place works as long as I can drown out the noise, either with silence or noise of my own choosing.

What about you? Where and when do you work best? Comment below!

Written on October 13, 2016 | Tagged: Core Skills