Plan to Enhance My Skills to Succeed

During our penultimate Core Skills lesson, we were presented with four types of character found in the workplace, each represented by a different animal with their own mode of approach.

Characters Approaches

Although I have some traits of each of the characters, I think I already share most of them with the dolphin.

I identify with the fox in one trait only – I like games that involve winners and losers, but I am not a manipulator. Sometimes I see things in black and white, which is typical of the monkey, but I do not have the other traits of this character. As for the sheep character I only share one attribute with it – I am principled, which I do not consider to be a bad thing.

The dolphin’s mode of approach is, as I’ve mentioned, not completely strange to me as I consider myself to be an attentive listener as well as aware of the viewpoints of others, I share information freely and I think am fairly creative and ethical (for the most part). That’s not to say that there’s no room for improvement. I can be quite competitive, which can be a good driving force at times, but could also potentially turn toxic very quickly. I can’t say I’ve ever sabotaged anyone for the sake of winning, but it is certainly a pitfall I’ll have to keep in mind in order to avoid it. On the other hand, not doing as well or better than others can sometimes make me feel insecure, which is another thing I’ll have to work on in the future.

Written on December 17, 2016 | Tagged: Core Skills